Sunday, November 21, 2004

Munching on Zen Biscuits

Crunch. Crunch.
And so the biscuit goes. This is another of my half-baked ziti musings on achieving Nirvana through a non-tantric approach. Just like a living Me --- a half-half whatever amalgamation of Oriental aspects there are. Try to be silent... I'm contemplating on washing the grime off my face and beating my sister to the last chocolate bar on the fridge. I'm also indulging in a not-so-helpful self-help book that my Mom picked on the stand. Great. Please, don't give another lecture on "being happy and satisfied with what you have" and "keeping the simple things in life simpler" coz I ain't gonna buy that shit anymore -- not unless if you have anything new to tell me, or better yet... tell me how to "zen-sitise" my insensitive life.
Yeah, maybe I'll have the regular karma cookies next time.

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