Thursday, April 28, 2005

On Breakies and Tagboards

Breakie (n.) a discussion of like minds and complementing personalities at a coffee shop, or restaurant; (v.) to share your dreams, problems, heartaches, embarrassing moments, etc. with crazy people.

Yesterday's breakie still lingers on my memory as I happily kill the ants crawling up and down my legs while typing (reminds me of Chase and his Kenneth Uy fantasies hehehe...). I really missed that insane council, and kudos to Leslie, Cherrie and Ate Arvee for finally taking the time for a breather. And yes, I needed a breather too -- even though I don't have dough to bake -- just to steer clear from the myriads of worries clouding my mind.

We had lunch at Gerry's in Park Square, and thanks to my office friends... they made me feel better about my condition. TO LESLIE: Thanks soooo much for taking the time to attend one of the breakie sessions and for accompanying me on the way home. Cherrie and Leslie told me I look good, thanks. I felt much better now, considering the fact that for the past few weeks I was burried in sweat and grime at home, dying with boredom. Being big and bloated really has its ups and downs. I really enjpy their company and it's just sad that I left them in the company, but at the same time I'm very happy for my batchmates because they made it to the top --- almost half of them are already "supervisors" and one is already in the Admin. Good Job, Batch 9!!
As usual, we talked about almost everything under the sun and what's the buzz in the office. At least I'm kept posted on what's happening. Sigh. I feel a wave of nostalgia and couldve-beens popping in my head. Enough said. We'll be seeing each other more, I hope!

By the way... I applied for a new job as an English Instructor Associate at some learning center. Pay is minimum, but it's better than nothing. I really hope I'd be able to make it, since little Ryu is due on September and I have to save, even though I dunno if I really like the job. But again, it's better than nothing.

Issue on tagboards:
Why is everybody trying to change the appearance of their blogs and missing out the tagboards? One example is Abie. Another one is Jem. (the bitch didn't even notify me of her new blogger address... if you read this, better notify me NOW). I asked Abie why (posting the message on the comment corner, of course) and she replied (on my tagboard, how ironic) that she got tired because of anonymous postings. Yeah, she has a point. Should I consider deleting mine too?
Think. Think. Think.

This day is average, although I felt something wrong with Sweetie. Curt text messages, no hint of sweetness. Am I missing out something? What did I do wrong? Hello, talk about progesterone making me extra paranoid?

And then... I figured out. I told him yesterday that IF he has the time to go out, he can check my e-mail for me. Apparently, he already did coz I checked my mail just now. Horror of horrors... the American Playmate messaged me. And so did my ex. Maybe that explains it... geez. That means that he READ my messages, marked them as unread. And he never reported them to me. Where's the trust? No, Mariko... YOU always blow up that trust. Just when it's strating to be ok. I hope I'm wrong.

Mariko, you're messing up again. Don't fuck up now.

Little Ryu is rumbling inside my tummy. Feels funny, though. But I can't laugh, not now, when realizations dawns upon me once more...

I screwed up and it feels not so good.

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